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Larger Font Smaller Font Up Down Update Log Go comment Print Update Delete

Share your printer with specific people or a group by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Google Cloud Print management page
  2. On the left side, select Printers.
  3. Select the printer you want to share and click Share.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter the email address for the person or Google Group you want to share with.
    • If you want to share with a group of friends, set up a Google Groupand invite them to be members.
    • If you change the default “Can print” to “Can manage,” they will be able to print, rename and share access to your printer.
  5. Click Share.

Once you’ve shared your printer, they will receive an email notification.

이메일을 확인하여 프린트 공유에 대한 절차를 마루리 해야 한다.

그리고 공유하는 사람의 스마트폰에도 앱을 설치 해야 한다. 메시지 알람 앱을 같이 설치해야 한다.

If you do not own the group, a request will appear for the group owner the next time they go to their Google Cloud Print management page. When they approve the request, group members can access the printer.

To stop sharing, follow steps 1-3 above to open the sharing dialog for the printer and edit the user list.

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